Sunday, December 7, 2008

The True History of Chocolate


  1. Olemc civilization began about 1500-400 B.C
  2. Some believe it was probably Olmec who first made chocolate from cacao.
  3. There were many gods such as Maize God (the main god), Rain God, Opossum God, Cacao God, and more.
  4. Cacao appears several times in Popol Vuh.
  5. Cacao also appears in the far less artistic Madid Codex.


  1. What is "nixtamalization"???
  2. How many gods are there in total???
  3. Which god comes after Maize God???
  4. What did each god mean???


  1. Masonry- the craft or occupation of a mason.
  2. Ethnohistoric- a branch of anthropology dealing with the development of cultures, as through the analysis of archaeological findings.
  3. Obsidan- a volcanic glass similar in composition to granite, usually dark but transparent in thin pieces, and having a good conchoidal fracture.

Literary Terms:

  1. ...Popol Vuh, but then we know that we do not have complete version of the epic, at least as it was known to the Classi Maya.
  2. ...delicately painted and carved ceramic vessels testify to the artistic as well as material...


  1. This chapter is about the history of Olmec. Also the birth of Cacao. It lets the reader know where Cacao appears.

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